Want to meet new customers or reach out to old customers in a relaxed setting where they're sharing good times with friends?


Then You Need to Be a Part of

First Blues Friday's


1.      First Blues Friday's allows you to reach customers, brand your product and get exposure in a relaxed atmosphere where potential customers are kicking back, relaxing and enjoying themselves amongst friends while they enjoy V.I.P treatment that they'll never forget.

2.      This event allows for a monthly mixer or meet and great, but in an upscale event at a modern First Friday gathering with an old time feel. The Internet Age's version of a Blues Jamboree or Jazz Joint, where people can let loose and enjoy themselves. Offers an excellent opportunity to get test and get feedback on new products, unveil new products or introduce old ones in different ways.

3.      First Blues Fridays offers you an opportunity to network, find high quality employees or potential clients or business parties. You can actually meet people away from the office and get to know them. Networking and word of mouth is the best way to find customers, employees and peers. What better way to spread the word than in the awesome atmosphere that First Blues Friday's offers?

4.      If you have a need for large scale branding, you can sponsor a whole event or series of events, putting your name squarely in front of everybody so they know that your company is responsible for the fantastic time that they are having and the lasting memory that they are creating.



The Marketing Problems Most Companies Face


            If you want to grow your business, increase your market share or simply sell more product, you face the same issues that any other company might face, you have to reach out to potential customers, introduce yourself and sell what you have. People won't buy something they don't know about. Marketing is the only way you can grow your business, but marketing can get expensive. So you have to maximize your marketing impact, whatever business you might have. If you want to grow your business, you have to increase sales, whether your selling vodka, candy, a legal service or radio time. The easiest way to increase sales, the key to any successful sales campaign, is to make a friend. The old saying in the sales business is make a friend, make a sale.

            How do you do that on a mass scale? How do you do that with your marketing campaign? How do you reach out to many people and make a bunch of new friends at one time? Sales staffs hire sales people that go out into peoples homes and business and spend hours and hours bonding with potential new customers?

            How do you get to communicate and bond with potential new customers with your marketing dollar? Can you bond in a thirty or sixty second spot on a radio or television ad? Can you bond in a print ad in a newspaper or online? Can they taste your candy or enjoy your vodka in a magazine, after all, when it comes down to marketing, the proof is in the pudding, you want to bond enough with new customers so that they'll try your product or service so that they'll develop a need for it or want for it, right?

            So how do you make your marketing campaign go out in public and act like your sales force, bonding with new potential customers, getting your name out, making new friends and getting people to try your product?

The First Blues Friday's Solution


            Well, the answer is really quite simple. You go out and introduce your company or product in a relaxed, upscale environment, showing people a good time while they get acquainted with what you or your company have to offer.

            Enter First Blues Friday, a cost effective solution to all of your marketing and branding needs. First Fridays are a cultural phenomenon that have exploded in existence around the country as a way for many professionals to get together and kick off the weekend. In many large cities, festivals beginning with First Friday parties, being that the first Friday of the month is when the celebration is held. On the first Friday, at a club or venue, people get together, relax and enjoy themselves, with music, drink and general celebration. First Friday's have become hugely popular around the Country, the City of Richmond kicks off it's Holiday season each year with a mammoth Seasonal First Friday, the national First Friday's United organization is a huge National organization that helps to set up First Friday's in different cities and is sponsored by the likes of McDonalds, Target, Ford, Nokia and Jack Daniels. First Fridays means big business.

            Now Jackson, Mississippi has the world's premier First Blues Friday. What works in one city doesn't necessarily work in another city. Jackson is unique and has its own flavor. With these promotions, the very best, most ideal customer and demographic that Jackson has to offer will be targeted by First Blues Fridays'.

            Think about it, what is more regional than the blues. It's known as Mississippi blues for a reason. First Blues Fridays will use the Blues as a theme to offer an upscale First Friday celebration that will offer a whole lot more than just the blues, though.

            The blues in First Blues Friday will be represented by musicians, but we'll have deejays and giveaways, all the hype and pomp that any event could offer. We'll paper the town and let everyone know that if they want a great time, on the First Friday of every month at least, they'll know where they can find it. We'll offer drinks specials, sponsor's specials and the best in entertainment. First Blues Fridays will work with radio stations, Online and in print to promote each celebration. We'll bring in radio personalities and local celebrities to add to the mix. Sponsors can do live promotions or simply have their name and merchandise or services represented with logo's, giveaways and announcements throughout the course of the event. Each First Blues Friday will be customized and themed, for instance there will be a Holiday theme or a seasonal theme, so these can be tailored to your needs whatever level of involvement your company might want. If XXX Brand Vodka is starting up and they want to be the main sponsor, we can set it up so it is billed as XXX Vodka presents First Blues Friday, so that XXX Vodka is all that's served as far as vodka goes or you can offer free drinks like at a posh red room party in Beverly Hills, but if you only want to get your name in front of potential new customers while they are enjoying yourself you can do that too.

            First Blues Friday will be billed as a networking event for professionals too. We'll arrange some business card exchanges and prizes, such as a business lunch giveaway or product giveaway that appeals to business professionals. Your company can use a first Blues Friday as an excellent way to promote a professional service, such as a law firm or accounting firm, or simply to Head Hunt or recruit. No matter how you look at it, First Blues Friday is a great way to get in front of a select group, young up and coming professionals, that lucrative 18-35 group that everybody covets, but the blues are timeless, so this even will cover all ages from 21 up. Not only can you get in front of this market, you can show them a good time and make a friend and a potential long term customer!




l        Brand your company's logo all over the event, from  all ads mentioning it to the live event itself, you'll be associated with everything about First Blues Friday

l        Let the 18-35 year old demographic know who you are by attending their party! Let any blues lover know who you are!

l        Sample – Have your merchandise sampled at First Blues Fridays

l        Giveaways – Offer discounts, coupons or specials to people in a relaxed atmosphere while they're enjoying themselves, not while they're trying to shop or work or get somewhere

l        Redundancy – it's the key to effective marketing --  Any radio or television ad man will tell you, before someone even pays attention to you they have to see or hear your name at least 7 times, at first Blues Friday they'll see and hear about your company everywhere, all night long, and, if you like, in the promotions leading up to First Blues Friday

l        Meet and Greet – You can come to the event if you like and mix and mingle and talk about your service or product, what better way to make friends or customers? What better way to get feedback, plus, you'll have a great time


           Who'd Benefit?

l        Professional Services – Accountants, bankers, lawyers, mortgage lenders, anybody looking for new business from young professionals in an upscale, relaxed atmosphere

l        Liquor or beer – How could you find a better place to market, simply use it for branding, or go big and provide free drinks for the night – how many new long term customers could that net you

l        Beverages – Drinks of any kind can be used, for mixers or just to be drank, the same goes for any type of beverages as with liquor

l        Restaurants – Offer a taste of your best dishes, coupons, or have your name mentioned by giving away free business lunches for two

l        Entertainment – Movie theaters, bowling alleys, DVD rentals, you name it, when better to get in front of people than when they're relaxing with friends, making plans for future entertainment and get togethers.

l        Grocery and Retail Stores – It's a great place to offer coupons or sales fliers, or you could give away prizes or shopping sprees

l        Music Stores – With all the music and good times, this is a great opportunity to let people know where they can find the great sounds they're hearing

l        Any Business targeting our lucrative market



l        It's a great place for business professionals to meet other business professionals or contacts

l        Headhunt – What better place could there be  to recruit than where young business professionals gather

l        Meet Peers and Potential Business Partners – First Blues Fridays is a gathering of various professionals so it might be a good way to find cheaper vendors or business partners that can save or make you money and fatten your bottom line





In Conclusion


            First Blues Friday's are a great ongoing way to meet and find new customers from the most coveted marketing group around. Not only can you expose your merchandise, product or service to Jackson's best young business professionals, you can make them friends by helping to show them a good time. Why waste your marketing money on quick thirty and sixty second spots when you can hang out with your customers and introduce your company to them. Ads are great and are a necessary part of any marketing campaign, but at some point you have to make a friend out of your potential customer and sell them on your wares. What better way to do that than when they're relaxing and making new friends?

            First Blues Fridays is brought to you by Infinity Entertainment & FMI Concepts, which has years of experience at planning, organizing and running events. Infinity Entertainment and FMI Concepts are run by Rodric Mays and Freddie Mathews. Between the two of them they have two decades of experience in promoting live events in and around the Jackson Mississippi and Detroit Metro area, as well as in other regions.  Both have exceptional scholastic backgrounds in business management and both have promoted events for everything from Remy Martin and the large B-Mogul Entertainment Company.

     Freddie has been exceptionally active in the Jackson area, in school and in the community making the National Dean’s List as a Dean’s List Scholar, and being a Mississippi Blood Services Volunteer, Economics Club Member,  Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) Member, Campus Escort Service Member, City Councilmen Campaign Volunteer, Pan Hellenic Council Representative and even a Mississippi City Mayoral Campaign Volunteer. He also did the event planning for Super Bowl 40 in Detroit at Club Icon.

            Both have extensive experience promoting events, including experience developing and coordinating events to generate sales and revenue, maintaining a system of checks and balances to ensure adequate reporting and detailing of funds for events held, for dozens of them promoted in and around Jackson over the past few years including The Remy Martin Classic After Party at Club Icon, The Blues and R&B Super Saturday at The Mississippi Museum of Art and the Absolut Vodka After Party at the Union Train Station, among many, many others. In their duties organizing, managing, promoting and coordinating these events the dynamic pair have performed clerical procedures and monitored the duties of other personnel during the events. In short, they've literally run the whole show from front to back.

            Now they're going to make First Blues Fridays a regular Jackson event. Don't miss out!